I asked myself a question tonight about myself-Chris what is your price?

A hotel cleaner in Pakistan who earns $340 a year is being praised as a national hero after he returned $57,000 in cash left behind by a guest.Essa Khan found the bag of notes inside a safe-deposit box while carrying out a routine inspection of a room vacated by a Japanese NGO worker.After years of negative publicity from terrorism and unrest, politicians have said the housekeeper’s honesty is the “real face of Pakistan”.But Mr Khan, 50, sai: “I have a responsibility as a human being, as a Pakistani, a Muslim. I never thought about keeping the money.”The story has been taken up by politicians in a country tired of negative publicity. Years of suicide bombings mean tourist hotels have struggled to survive as foreigners stay away.Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab province, declared Mr Khan a “national hero”.”He’s a humble housekeeper and we are really proud of him,” he said. “This is the face of Pakistan that people don’t see normally.”The hotel has given Mr Khan a 10,000-rupee ($133) reward, but Mr Taseer telephoned him yesterday to promise him another reward and to invite him to Lahore for a ceremony in his honour.Mr Khan, 50, has worked at the Gilgit Serena Hotel, which stands at the foot of the Karakoram mountains, in northern Pakistan, for 20 years.After three days, hotel staff managed to track down the guest, who was still unaware he had lost the money. The man works for the Japan International Co-operation Agency and the money was intended to fund a feasibility study into tourism projects in northern Pakistan.Rashid Uddin, the hotel’s manager, said of Mr Khan: “We should be very, very proud of people like this.”
When I read this article tonight I thought to myself what would you do chris if this was you.The emotions came up in torrents as I grappled with my heart and head.My head tried to bullshit me as it does in trying to make me feel I would do the right thing.The reality is that if I was in my head I would do what I have always done the right thing for making myself feel good and which would never involve writing a blog like this.I would resist what I am going to say now.I would take the easy way out.As I write this my heart is spinning and is going around in knots as I feel emotions and even tears as My heart pounds.I feel sad and low.In living in my heart I am inspired by this man who I want to be.I want to be honest and transparent and be in my feelings always.What would you do and how would this situation make you feel if you were deep in your heart?

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